Tips For Ensuring The Longevity Of Your New Dental Implants

29 December 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you have just had some dental implants installed, then it is vital that you know how to properly care for them. While dental implants are very strong and should last as long as natural teeth, they can become damaged by periodontal disease, gum disease, and lack of appropriate dental hygiene. To this end, here are some tips for you to follow in order to ensure the health and longevity of your new dental implants:

Tip: Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily with a Non-Whitening Toothpaste

After your dental implants have been installed, it is very important that you brush your teeth at least twice each day, once in the morning and then again before you go to bed. Since your dental implants were made to match the shade of your natural teeth, you should not use a whitening toothpaste when you brush. If you do so, then the paste will whiten your natural teeth and your dental implants will appear dirty.

Tip: Floss Your New Implants Using a Water Flosser

In addition to brushing your dental implants well, you also need to get into the habit of flossing your teeth each day. Rather than using traditional dental floss or a dental tape, instead use a water flosser. The water flosser will do a better job of cleaning away any food particles or plaque from between your new dental implants and the gum tissue that surrounds them.

Tip: Wear a Mouth Guard at Night if You Grind Your Teeth

If you tend to grind your teeth at night, then it is very important that you wear a plastic mouth guard while you sleep. The excessive pressure of grinding your teeth against each other will move your dental implant's post around in your jaw and will eventually loosen it. A mouth guard will prevent this damage and protect your dental implants and remaining natural teeth.

Tip: Reduce Your Overall Sugar Intake

Finally, most people consume way too much sugar in their diets today. Reducing the amount of sugar that you eat and drink is better for your overall health and is vital for improving your dental health as well. Excess sugar and acids are very damaging to your teeth and gums. While your new dental implants are impervious to disease and decay, the bone and gums that surround them are not. Excessive consumption of sugar contributes to problems with gum disease and periodontal disease, both of which are damaging to the structures around your dental implants and can cause them to prematurely fail.