4 Common Causes Of Tooth Pain

17 July 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Your teeth are important for biting and grinding food. They also help you pronounce certain sounds and words. However, many people experience toothaches, and there are multiple causes of tooth pain. If you would like to know more, keep reading. 

1. Decay

Tooth decay is incredibly common, especially if you ignore your oral health and/or consume foods high in sugar. Foods high in simple carbohydrates can also lead to decay because the carbohydrates turn into sugar. Tooth decay develops when the acid released by oral bacteria wears down the enamel.

If left untreated, decay will not go away on its own. In fact, the cavity may continue to grow. During treatment, the dentist removes any dead tooth tissue and replaces it with a filling. If the tooth had severe decay, you may want a dental crown to strengthen the tooth.

2. Infection

A tooth infection develops if bacteria gets in the tooth's pulp. If an infection develops, you may experience severe pain that does not respond to pain medications. You may also have visible pus and bad breath. If ignored, the infection can fully kill the tooth.

Your dentist can treat the infection, however, with antibiotics and root canal treatment. During root canal treatment, the tooth's pulp (nerves, blood vessels, etc.) is removed. The dentist will recommend a dental crown to strengthen the tooth. If you can't afford root canal treatment or your previous treatment has failed, the only other treatment is extraction.

3. Teeth Grinding

Your teeth are strong. In fact, they are strong enough to withstand the pressure of biting, chewing, and grinding food. However, many people grind their teeth at night due to stress, anxiety, etc. Long-term grinding can wear down the tooth faster and increase the risk of a chip. However, the constant pressure also causes pain in the jaw, which can feel like a toothache.

You may be able to control your teeth grinding with lifestyle changes, such as meditation and cutting out caffeine. However, your dentist can also provide a mouth guard to protect your teeth and take some of the stress from griding, so your teeth/jaw are less affected.

4. Sensitivity

Many people experience tooth sensitivity because of thinning or weak enamel. If your teeth are sensitive, you may notice pain when your teeth are exposed to cold, heat, or sugar. Your dentist can help with fluoride treatments to help restrengthen your enamel. However, they can also provide veneers and crowns if the enamel is fully destroyed.

Tooth pain is never fun, and it can be debilitating in many cases. If you have tooth pain, don't wait any longer to seek treatment. Contact a dentist in your area to learn more about toothache treatment options.